Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MINI PROJECT #4: Grocery Lists and Genetically Altered Foods

Recently, in the U.S there has been great debate over genetically altered/engineered foods and whether or not this is a threat to the world and our health, or an innovative solution to the hunger crisis we've encountered and to overcome the limitations of traditional farming and breeding. First of all, What is genetic engineering of our foods? Genetic engineering is when the genetic makeup of living organisms is disrupted and altered in order to enhance particular traits or genes without having to undergo what is considered lengthy and inaccurate natural breeding, which by the way is always preferable. GE also allows for genetic material from one organism to be extracted and inserted into the permanent genetic code of another which can be kind of scary if you think about it... Fish can now be injected with cattle growth genes or a tomato with Flounder genes all to ensure a nice plentiful size. Such human alterations of food are being patented and released into the market.

Many studies have shown that the genetically processed and engineered foods being released into the market for human consumption can pose a great threat to human health. Some of the risks can include toxicity, allergenicity, antibiotic resistance, immune-suppression and even cancer. Despite this, government has not established any ground rules to control GE and how it is being used and there are many who even believe that GE foods do not need to be labelled as such in order to inform the consumer. Don't we all have a right to know what we are eating and buying for our families to consume?
There are also great dangers and damages that affect our environment and nature as a result of genetically altering foods. The use of genetic engineering in agriculture causes biological pollution, threatens numerous microbial, plant and animal species with extinction, and can ptentially contaminate all non-genetically engineered life forms with new and possibly hazardous genetic material.
Some believe that the genetic altering of foods can be the answer to many issues such as the elimination of pesticidesand herbicides but the truth is that farmers who grow GE crops actually use more herbicide, not less. They also argue that this is the answer to eliminate starvation worldwide and provide enough food supply for the expected population boom in the next 50 years but the scientists, who represent many of the nations affected by poverty and hunger, say gene technologies would undermine the nations' capacities to feed themselves by destroying established diversity, local knowledge and sustainable agricultural systems which can lead to increased hunger and starvation.
I am no scientist and there may be much of this issue that I do not know about but I will say that it is my belief that there are things in life that are meant to be natural and untouched and that should be left alone. The crossing of genes from one species to another and one living organism to another is simply too scary and invasive for me to swallow. It seems that humans are so eager to obtain financial profit and total control that we are risking lives and our health in the process. I hope that as these Genetically altered foods are released into the market there are also regulations put in place to label these accordingly and inform the public of the process that these foods have underwent and then the consumer can at least be given the chance to make an educated decision regarding the risks and his or her health.
Meanwhile here is a list of some of the major foods in the market that are genetically altered.
*NOTE: Up to 40 percent of U.S. corn is genetically engineered along with 80 percent of soybeans. It is estimated that upover 60 percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves--from soda to soup, crackers to condiments--contain genetically engineered ingredients.
Grocery list of genetically altered foods:
Canola Oil
Soy Beans
Most fruits and vegetables are currently being being tested on and gene-altered varieties are being released into the market.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

MINI PROJECT # 3: The Endangered Animals of Colombia

1. Scarlet Macaw: Beautiful bird with a great ability to mimick sounds made by the human voice as well as perform entertaining and amazing tricks.This bird became endangered due to a high demand for its colorful feathers in earlier centuries, and remains so due to individuals removing the young from their nests in order to keep them as pets.
2. Bespectacled Bear: This bear is not a threat to human life yet it is killed because it is believed to do damage to agriculture and also killed for its meat.
3. Gorga's Rice Rat: This rat is critically engangered and endemic to Colombia.
4. Handley's slemder mouse opossum also critically endandgered and endemic to Colombia.
5. Colombian Weasel: Five different speciesw of this animal found in colombia within areas where great deforestation has occured. Deforrestaiton may have had an impact on this animal's current endangered status.
6. Cottontop Tamarin: Endemic to Colombia; a small monkey the size of a squirrel that has become endangered due to 3/4 of its original habitat being deforrested. They are also collected and captures as pets in the illegal pet trade of Colombia and the Cottontip mandarin is a species that is victim to illegal exportation.
6. Dryland Mouse Opossum
7. Giant Armadillo
8. Giant Otter
9. Mountain Tapir: Declined due to clearing and burning of habitat for purposes of agriculture and livestock. This animal ahs also been hunted for meat as well as for sport. Many mountain Tapira died during the 1960's when in the midst of being captured for zoos many were killed.
10. Pacarana: A large rodent that is said to resemble a very large guinea pig. Species threatened due to habitat loss and hunting by man for food.
Info. found on:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

MINI PROJECT #2: The Carbon Cycle

This diagram provides some incite as to where and how carbon is stored in the Earth's system. The Carbon Cycle has four major carbon sinks that exchange amongst one another, these are:
1. the atmosphere
2. the terrestial biosphere which includes fresh water systems and non-living organic material like soil carbon.
3. the oceans
4. the sediments like fossil fuel
Carbon exists in the earth's atmosphere in the form of CO2. There are also other gases in the atmosphere that contain carbon these are methane and chlorofluorocarbons. These gases are known as greenhouse gases and their concentration in our atmosphere is increasing. This increase is contributing to the rise in global surface temperature and lead to excessive global warming because the radioactive forces of CO2 lead to big differences in climate effects.
The way it works...
1. Carbon is initially in the oceans and sedimentary rocks
2. While carbon is in the water it turns into calcium carbonate
3. The algae and coral build up reefs called limestone reefs which cause increased respiration.
4. On land the plants turn the carbon dioxide into carbohydrates through photosynthesis.
5. The carbon is either released into the atmosphere, eaten by animals when plants die, or decomposed into the soil for future consumption by plants and useful resources.
There are action plans in mind such as a concept known as carbon wedges and we can all adopt a 3 step climate change plan and do our share. The fact is that climate changes, the greenhouse effect, and global warming are some of the biggest issues we face in the world today and unless we contribute and do our share to help out we will all pay a high cost later in our futures.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mini Project #1 Environmental Organizations

Upon analyzing the different environmental organizations; Greenpeace, National Resource Defense Council, and Wildspots Foundation I have determined that I would rather join the Greenpeace Environmental Organization because upon examining their goals and mission statement I find that it is the most well rounded organization who aims to help all aspects of our planet including society.
Greenpeace participates in the defense of animal wildlife as well as plants, forests and marine life. They aim to preserve and protect our oceans and put an end to destructive fishing as well as the disposal of wasteful chemicals into our oceans. Greenpeace even takes part in socially responsible farming and the elimination of harmful chemicals in agriculture which directly affects the lives and health of all living organisms on earth.
But what stood out to me the most was this organization's stand on disarment and peace. They work towards putting an end to conflict and the use of nuclear weapons. I find it to be wonderful that they take a stand on wildlife and our environment as well as peace and violence which is one of the biggest problems on earth today. This is an organization that is environmentally and SOCIALLY conscious and that is why it would be the one I would choose to join.
It is true that Greenpeace has taken some drastic measures in the past in order to put a stop to activities that are hurtful to our environment and many might be in opposition to these actions but I must say that sometimes in order to make an impact and stop those harming the environment drastic is the only way to go. Keep in mind that things such as offshore oil drilling and genetic engineering can be very porfitable businesses and a subtle request on behalf of environmental activists is not going to do the trick. These people are in it for the money and they will continue to look out for their own selfish needs until drastic measures are taken. Sometimes it is essential to demonstrate that you mean business and Greenpeace gets their point across. I respect them for that.